Welcome to the Pathtags Forum.
This forum contains links to video tutorials that may help you make better use of your time on Pathtags.com
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Post birthday annoucements and other milestones here
Anything and everything pathtag related
Get feedback on your design and help from other members
Post bugs and feature requests here. One thread per item. If something you'd like to see is already listed please post a "me too" in the thread and not another thread.
Going to some event? Having an event? Post about it here.
Place for things like "guess my age, get a Pathtag" or tag-related games like tag boxes, etc. Usually results in tags being given away or distributed in some manner.
Place to play word games, etc. are here. High frequency posts (i.e. add a word, remove a word; "last"; etc) go here.
General discussions not pathtag related
Have an extra of someone else's pathtag? Trade them here!
This forum is for those interested in tracking and collecting the Calendar Girl tags out there. WARNING: This forum contains "R" rated content.
Miscellaneous forums for testing, etc.
Not sure how a function works? Test it out here!
Get help in creating an avatar. Offer your skills to other users.
There are currently 29 users online. 1 members and 28 guests
Most users ever online was 1,166, 03-08-2024 at 02:41 PM.
Welcome to our newest member, Canonclaire