Pathtags Forum FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What do you drop with your pathtag to explain what it is?

Pathtags are relatively new, having only been introduced to the world in August, 2006. Because of this, the people you may find your Pathtag may not understand what it is or how to use it. Some owners opt to include information along with their tag to help explain the tag and how they wish for it to be handled for the finder. Many people make up a card or other item to attach to their Pathtag. Below is an example of such a card.

Text from another example card reads:

"Please log this tag whether you keep it or move it. Trade, track, show off pathtags on your own page. Learn how to get started at"

On the other side

"You have found Clatmandu's Karma tag. You can keep this sig item or place it in another cache. Please go to to log finding this and to read info about the design on the tag."

I just got a tag in trade / bought a tag somewhere - how do I become the owner?

Unlike with Geocoins or other travelers, Pathtags are already activated and are "owned" by only one person - the original creator.

As the recipient of the Pathtag, you can log the tag online at This places that tag into your online collection. By logging your tag online, you tell the original owner that you have the tag and how you got it. Logging the tags into your online collection also helps you keep track of the tags already in your collection and will make it available for use in future community site features.

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